Quick Summary...

All images are ©KandylaneEnchanted2014 by Kira Sanoja with Kandylane Photography. They are all personally inspired scenes that I have designed & created with the help of friends and family in real life....not in Photoshop (with the exeption of lighting, color, contrast, and small details) . I do not offer these as "session" to the public as they are meant to be Fine Art Photography in hopes of showcasing in galleries and one day when the project has matured, publishing a Fine Art Photography coffee table book showing "never before seen" pictures for some projects... (to read on about the summary [click here]

Our Enchanted Presence (#38 & #39)

This morning I sat tall in front of the computer with my sweaty fingertips in proper keyboard position. I was expecting my fingers to just do their job while I let my mind be a sidelines spectator, but that wasn't happening. I had an idea of what story this creation was trying to tell, but I hadn't yet entertained any thoughts very far. Without much deliberation, I sprung out of my computer chair and headed outside. Peace and stillness flowed over me liked a strong steady river as the sun kissed my face and the sweet sounds of singing birds and crackling trees saturated my ears. Now here I sit outside writing freely without an ounce of hesitation.  How does this fit into these images? I will get that that soon...

For years, all I've ever wanted to do was travel with my family to cool places around the world. Sometimes while meditating I have even desired to somehow travel through space and see other galaxies, but one night I was given what I felt to be a divine revelation about my desires and little by little, my heart has opened up to that revelation. A voice outside my egoic mind said "What are your feelings when you create a piece of art and people like it, but seem to be unsatisfied and want more? There is an incomprehensible beauty right here before your eyes of which you know nothing about. Mysteries will be revealed to you in due time, but only when you truly embrace that which you already have." Tears filled my eyes as I heard this.

Reading the words from the book A New Earth by an incredible author Eckhart Tolle has also helped me to understand that nothing can really be understood, but can only be felt. "Even a stone, and more easily a flower or a bird, could show you the way back to God, to the Source, to yourself. When you look at it or hold it & let it be without imposing a word of mental label on it, a sense of awe, of wonder, arises within you. Its essence silently communicates itself to you and reflects your own essence back to you." This has opened my eyes, my heart and my mind to the indescribable beauty that is all around us constantly no matter where we are. We are always on the move trying to find a new thrill, new beauty, and something different to stimulate our desensitized minds, but the reality is, most of us have barely scratched the surface of our own backyard.

At first I thought this character below was trying to escape the painting she was trapped in, but the more I look at her, the more I see that she is both part of her painting but also taking time to explore the world outside of her painting. Of course it's ok to travel and to see the wonders that have been created, but remember to BE where you are. Embrace the essence of the air you breathe, the sounds you hear, the sights you see and the energy you feel no matter where your feet are planted.


Our Enchanted Presence

The inspiration for this enchanted photograph first started about a year and a half ago. We were visiting these dear friends of ours when they lived in Utah. Their children were sitting at the table coloring and doing homework so I sat down with them and began to color as well. I drew out this picture of the woman standing in front of a 4 x 8 piece of plywood which had her wings, the horizon, and balloons painted into it. I colored it and I knew that my friend Kari would be the model for it since I was in her house with her children when the idea emerged.

For over a year now we have been planning a trip to see them in their new house near Tampa Florida and go to Disney World, so obviously I wanted to make this enchanted while there, but I knew it would not be easy since the majority of it would need to be done while in Florida.


I prepped as much as I could prior to our trip. I wanted my character to be holding a suitcase to show that she was ready for her journey. I took this old green suitcase, covered the metal with painters tape and spray painted it purple. I love it so much more than before lol. That old color was pretty sketchy :-)

The Dress 

Although I new I would need to take most of it apart and re-do it while it was on her at the time of the shoot, I wanted SOME of it done ahead of time and I wanted a basic design for it so that I could quickly do it before the shoot. I love how it tuned out! I pretty much only had the straps put together and the rest I just weaved around her body leaving long tentacles all around her. I wanted to use almost mermaid-like colors since it was on the beach, without her being a mermaid. It kind of makes me think that she recently got her legs and wings after being a mermaid since her wings resemble fishtails.

Here we are goofing off and getting horizon measurements for the plywood at the beach.

The "Painting"

I really didnt know what I was doing, but somehow I pulled this off. I just wanted a basic ocean blue color for the water and a faded orange, pink, blue and purple sky. Once this was done, I measured Kari out so I knew where the wings and balloons would go. After this was done and the board stain was dry, I penciled in a wing design. I love the look of all the wings that Amy Brown does so I was a bit inspired by her style. The remind me of Siamese fighting fishtails which helps me stick to a beachy theme! Once it was filled in with purple, I then sponged on the turquoise blue and darker blue veins. Kari helped me paint which made this process really fun!

Hair & Makeup

We started off doing her toes and nails in a sparkly turquoise. We really didn't NEED to do her toes since I knew they probably wouldn't show, but it was really fun to have some extra girlie time!! Plus, the color looked incredible on her!

I was so sad to not have my gal Brittany do the hair & makeup, but I have tried to learn as much as I can from her in cases like this! I wanted her to have beachy curls and purple makeup. I thought the purple would really compliment her crystal blue eyes, which it did. We used a gorgeous color purple eye shadow for her lips too! I'm sure that's a no-no in makeup world, but it worked!!


Andrew strapped the painted plywood to the top of the of the car and we made sure it was EXTRA secure! When we first got the wood from home depot, one of the ties unclasped causing the wood to fly up while we were driving!! I literally had to stand up though the sunroof and pull it back down lol! It was a bit scary!! It was done perfectly the second time around at least!

We went and picked up the balloon and packed them into the already packed full car. Andrew was surrounded in balloons as he tried to get a few minutes of sleep on the way to the beach (poor Andrew was really sick most of the trip, but he still helped like a good man!

When we got to the beach, the kids immediately started playing and burying themselves in that beautiful soft white sand. It was a bit chilly outside, but they didn't care! They were in the water the entire time! After all...it is the Gulf of Mexico! The water isn't too bad!

Building the dress, set up & shooting!

Shortly after announcing that I would be doing this shoot near Tampa Florida at Clear Water Beach, a fellow photographer friend on my facebook page, Elizabeth Evans of Pink Orchid Photography, so graciously offered to help out and do some behind the scenes pictures! I was sad not to have my friend Sarah doing them, so I was really appreciative of her willingness to help out!!! You will see her images with her company logo on some of the pics below! Thank you so much Elizabeth! It means so much to me that you would drive 2 hours to get to us, for an hour of shooting!! I hope you had fun!!

So here we are, building the dress, and starting to shoot! Andrew stood behind the wood to hold it steady. Rob (Kari's Husband) Wrangled the birds with some popcorn! They loved it and I LOVED them in the picture! It wouldn't have been the same with out them! They brought the real element of flight into the picture. 

This is a picture of Kari, Elizabeth and I! Great team!! It was so much fun shooting and even walking back because there were so many spectators! They would stop and ask what we were doing and where they could see the picture! A little girl came with her mom and said she looked like a princess and a few men almost tripped because the were staring at her and not paying attention to where they were walking! People at the Pavilion Bar and restaurant on the beach were trying to take picture as she walked back to the car and kept stopping her to ask what was going on! She really did look like a watery goddess! It was pretty cool :-) Made us all feel special. 

Here is just a random picture of where I was sitting while being inspired to write the first part of this blog! I love the first blossoms of the year! So new, wondrous and beautiful! Thank you so much for reading and I cant wait to bring more magic into your lives!


Camera Settings
Camera: Canon 5D MarkIII
Lens: Sigma 24mm-105mm
Aperture: F/4.0
Shutter: 1/125


  1. You are truly amazing. I loved reading the post. It was super fun helping you paint, but most of all it was such an cool experience to watch you work in person and see you vision come to life. You are so talented and such an inspiring person. I love how much love you put in to your work it really shows. Thank you again for letting me be part of your experience

    1. I am so happy that you were able to be a part of it!!! Love you!!!

  2. Kira... how do you hit it out of the park over and over again? Each Enchanted photo shoot is so unique and cool and interesting and inspiring and fantazmigolrically magical!!! I could go on and on! Kari, thank you for saying such wonderful things about my daughter! You're like another sister to Kira. You look beautiful! A painting come to life!

    1. AWWWW thanks daddy!!! Kari really is like another sister! I'm so thankful to be inspired by new people all the time :-)

  3. Wow! ��������

  4. Not only do you capture your visions perfectly in pictures, but in your eloquent telling of the stories. I am so proud of you and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this shoot!!! I love the colors and everything about the images. Kari looks beautiful and the flowing dress and painted wings are remarkable, Kira. antoher masterpiece.

    1. Thank you so much mom!!! I'm so happy when it all comes together the way it does :-). I'm not sure how I write eloquently, lol. I think I have out of body experiences :-D
